Wednesday, July 20, 2016


(this post is quite overdue, but better late than never!!!)

so this past month i turned 19 years. man, such an ugly age, because i'm still a teen, but not yet an adult. i mean technically i became one when i turnd 18, but i feel like it isn't real until i hit my 20s. annnnyyyywwaaaays, i feel intrigued to write something that is inspired by a video i saw awhile ago. Alyx, or AyyDubbs on youtube made a video about "19 things i learned at 19" or something along the lines of that. 

i thought i would take the time to reflect on my years of living, since i'm obviously so much more wise and mature now. (hueh) obviously, it should be 18 things i learned at 18, since i've only been 19 for 10 days, but i wanted to add an extra "life lesson" because i felt like it, and because i didn't want an even number.

obviously, i have many more years to come, many more mistakes to make, and even more opportunities to learn from them. in fact, 5 years from now, what i learn in the future could be totally opposite of what i think i know now (does that even make sense??) anyways, here's what i've compiled for this post today. maybe you agree with them? or maybe you think differently? if you want, go ahead and tell me some important things that you have learned, i would love to know!!!! share your thoughts!!! 

*~ now commencing, 18 THINGS I LEARNED AT 18+ 1 EXTRA ~*

*~~~ she is a dancing queen, young and free, only NINETEEEEENNNN ~~~*

a tired and uninspired chick + road trip

weeeellllllll, i thought that since i had an entire summer break, i would at least try to blog more. obviously that didn't go over as planned :// all that i've done for these past couple of months is work, work, sleep, eat, work, sleep and work. my goal was to try and aim for more creative ways of spending my free time, like blogging for example, or maybe reading a book (which i haven't done for fun in so long), go outside and explore my city on my own, etc, etc. anything but sit on my butt and binge watch tv shows. (too bad thats exactly what i've been doing.)

but don't worry, i have actually been able to do some fun stuff, like visit my friends in SoCal for a weekend!!!! it was my first, no parental supervision road-trip, and it was honestly the highlight of my summer. :)))))

 ( me and my croissant @Amoeba Music in Hollywood)

(a really accurate depiction of the noodleheadz themselves)

 (TEAM PEAX!!!!!! no really this was my favorite show by far)
(also some1 please return this stealing is not nice)


 (a very cute and noice photo of us before much sweat and bruises)

(a sunset @ Huntington Beach)

 (a house literally straight out of a Pottery Barn catalog)

(on the way home, drive north hueheuehheuehrubw)


ahhh, that weekend was filled with eating so much good food, blasting music and roasting the heck out of each other. it's what we're good at, i guess. it was really great to be with my pals again, but being in an unfamiliar place was even cooler!!! i've only ever been to Knotts and Disneyland, so it was cool to see where they live and what not. SoCal is not the place for me, however, the sun was out and shining and i was really missing the fog and cold. 

this trip only made me more excited for everyone to be back in SF (gross because school will start again) but at least they won't be 6 hours away and i can finally be with my weirdos again. see you guys very soon!!!!!!!!