Monday, August 21, 2017

am i living in the real world?

i've finally resurrected!!! just kidding. but seriously, i've gone thru a couple of changes this summer that i'd like to share:

- i turned 20
- i moved in with my friends!!!!!!!!!
- my parents god a dog and i love her so muchfbgh

now that that is off my chest, i have some pretty sick photos i developed from my disposable camera that i've had for way too long. seriously, i was pretty consistent with it and took lots of photos around october, towards like, the end of november, and and then sporadically took photos throughout 2017 and have just now gotten it developed. i completely forget that some of these occasions took place, but it's nice to look back and see what has happening and what moments i wanted to capture. its a nice feeling- seeing the places i visited and the smiles that came out of these "adventures," if you must. that sounded so corny but it's the truth!!!! 

i belive this was a day after thrifting and probably eating out
halloween weekend :-)))

 sarrita's birthday!!!

 sarrita's bday pt. 2!!!

on our way to japantown

 outside of the california academy of science and the deyoung

zoe's birthday!!!

 we tried a new boba place this day and sat in the park 

that's all for now...........

Monday, March 6, 2017


*~~~ a trip to SFMOMA ~~~*

 ~~* here is a pretty groovy playlist if you're in a music rut and need some new tunes ~~*

Friday, March 3, 2017


*~~ when i used to take pretty photos on my pretty camera ~~*

Thursday, February 23, 2017

"dear diary"

 "One day, I'm going to look in the mirror and actually be satisfied w/ myself."

"I hate literally everything about my appearance."

"Why do I have to be so insecure?"

"Why why why do I have to be so plain and ugly?"

can you believe that i used to think like this???!!! 15 year old mallory is shockingly different from almost 20 year old mallory and it gives me such a strange wave of feelings and emotions to look at my old journal entries and see shit like this!!!

in the last year or so, my self-esteem has really shot up and i wish i could back in time to tell 15 year old me to drop the pencil and shut up!!! (ok maybe a lil less aggressive)

but on a serious note, it's pretty hurtful to see that my mindset was so negative back then. i still remember those emotions/feelings i would feel whenever i had bad days, and really bad days. i remember being so dissatisfied when i looked in the mirror- even after all of the makeup i would put on and my curling my hair, i still hated what i saw. some days i would just deal with it and leave the house. other days i would scrub it all off and cry. i would cry and feel sorry for myself. it got so bad where i couldn't go out with my friends to the movies because i didn't like how my clothes fit that day. or i would decline going swimming at someone's house because i couldn't bear to be seen in a bikini. i remember going through a phase where i would not let my picture be taken- because while everyone would look so pretty and cute in the photo, i would be so quick to pick apart my own flaws. i wouldn't look at the photo as a happy memory, and focus on the smiles on everyone's faces. it would just feel like a reminder of why i hated being photographed in the first place.

most days i felt too fat, too plain, too ugly and not worthy. not worthy of self love and value. on the outside, i would tell my friends to stand tall and confident, while on the inside i was nothing but a scared little girl that couldn't even listen to my own words!!!! for the longest time i was comparing myself to every other girl in the universe- i would ask myself, "why can't i be skinny like her?" "why can't my skin look like that?" "why can't i pretty?" "why don't boys like me?" "why do i have to look like this?"

i think the saddest part of it all is that i wasn't alone!! this problem with body-image is a universal problem for young boys and girl everywhere. i'm sure while i was feeling so down, my friends were feeling the same way. where does this start? who is responsible for it? honestly, there are so many factors that play into this concept of ideal beauty standards that haunts everyone. the media, growing up in different cultures and whether or not we are raised by people who support us and love us. i'm happy that in this day and age, we are slowly progressing day by day and accepting everyone. no, it's not perfect yet, but we are getting there!!! it just takes a lot of work. it takes a lot of understanding and acceptance. it's also important to understand where the world went wrong on this subject.

i've taken a few ethnic studies courses at my college, and we've discussed many topics- topics including growing up and how familial cultures differ from say, my own lifestyle. in some cultures, whiter skin is valued much more than someone who is dark/tan. in my Latino studies class, my professor mentioned a student that he had a couple of years ago. her family is Mexican, but her and her sister looked completely different from each other. she had a dark complexion, while her sister was able to pass as white. she explained that her parents expected her sister to find a good husband, someone good-looking and wealthy, and have kids. as for the other sister, she was told by her parents to study hard in school and find a good, stable job. her parents felt like she wouldnt be able to find a husband, so she needed to focus on her school and career instead.

not only is that painfully true for a lot of families, but it's also something that's interpreted similarly in a lot of other cultures. it's also so shitty!!! the people you think you can depend on and love you regardless can sometimes surprise you. parents will degrade you and not support you, and it ends up having such a huge impact on your self esteem. obviously, there's a lot more to this anecdote, but it sheds light upon an important point. self-confidence roots from loving yourself. you can't find this in depending on other people for it. by that, i mean that you shouldn't try to learn to accept yourself in other people, it starts within you!! if someone is tearing you down and making you feel like shit, the self deprecation will only last longer. cut out the shitty people and start on a path of valuing yourself and being comfortable with who you are. i know this sounds like some cliche crap, but it's the only way i think i can word it. surround yourself with beautiful people. people with beautiful hearts and that don't find their boost of self esteem in tearing others down. people that support you and love you for who you are, and are there for you when you're feeling weak.

i am not perfect, and there are still things i can work on as a person. i could probably exercise and not eat out so often (that's more in a sense of i need to be HEALTHY, and also save my damn money) but i have come a far way since i was 15! i like that i'm pale and freckled. i like the body i was i born with. i like that i am me, and that im special in my own way. i like the friends who love me and support me. i like that i am no longer crying in the mornings when i get ready and that i don't skip out on having fun with my friends. i am unique, i am beautiful, and i am worthy!!!!!!!
~and you are too~

Friday, December 23, 2016

im alive

definitely my shortest yeah boy ever goes to me....for literally not posting on here at all. what the hell has happened to me in the span of a few months??? i dont necessarily have a following on here, but like, this is supposed to be outlet for letting things out, ranting, blah blah. you'd think being a single, 19 year old girl in college would have a lot to bitch about...

I bought a beret 

aaaaannnnnyyyywwwwayyyysss, a lot has actually happened since the last time i posted. donald trump was elected president (thats another rant for a different day, just wait on it), i finished my 3rd semester of college, annnddd, i still work at a movie theater. yeah nothing that exciting has happened to me. actually, 2016 has kind of sucked in all honesty. i mean, there were some cool parts that i'd like to highlight when i get the chance, but other than that i feel like i've been so alone this year???

i live with my parents, and my friends all live on their own just 10 minutes away. which sounds convenient, but not when im literally scheduled the entire weekend, every weekend, and unable to see them at all. i went from seeing them every day to, like, never. i mean, they work, i work, and our class schedules are different of course, but it's just such a downer when im stuck at a movie theater for 8 hours while my friends are out having a good time. but this job also pays well and gives me hours so maybe i should shut up???? blhefbjkg. i've just spent a lot of time on my own this year. which is nice because i enjoy the solitude but i do also like to go out and explore and have fun with people i like.

school was also such a drag bc i decided that 8ams were a good idea, which, honestly werent awful...i was typically done with class by like 11 and i had the entire day to do more homework,,,, or just be a lazy bum. but also, "sophomores" really just get the short end of the stick. picking classes for spring was a BITCH bc the registration date was so late, and also sooooooo close to finals which means more stress for us??? i had to remake my schedule a good 4 times before i registered which is so annoying dude!!!!

2016, in general, was just a real pile of shit for the whole world. i hope that 2017 can show us that the grass is greener on the other side. i dont know why i thought nevershoutnever lyrics were appropriate just now but the damage is already done.

maybe my ass will try to post more as well and get my creative juices flowin!!!! because i also havent even crafted in like months????? ive been such a millennial, with my phone literally glued to my hand. i also have let my anxiety get the best of me at certain times and it made me hate myself for little bit bc anxiety sucks and is annoying and sometimes i dont know how to deal with it. but i also act like my own good friends dont deal with it as well, and wouldnt understand??? honestly im such a buffoon sometimes,,,,,

this post didnt really have any sense of direction, i just wanted to post because it's winter break and i've already watched too many episodes of glee to function anymore. im signing off. it's 9:02pm and im TIRED.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

sour candy- bleached

i am back!!!! by popular demand (probably my dad). ive been so soooo bad about posting, but i feel like i say that after every hiatus i have??? i need to get my creatives juices flowing and stop being such a lazy bum. all i do is go to class, do homework, and sleep too much. thats college for ya!!! haha! *anxious laughter*

i finally got my film developed for my disposable i used from like june until now??? i hadnt used one since i moved from japan to california, which was in 2005, so i was only like 8 years old. wow. anyways, the majority of them came out better than i had expected!!! there are a few fails, but i think thats bound to happen anyways. looking back on these made me feel so warm and fuzzy and happy bc the majority of them are with my closest friends! here's what i was able to capture these past couple of months:

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


(this post is quite overdue, but better late than never!!!)

so this past month i turned 19 years. man, such an ugly age, because i'm still a teen, but not yet an adult. i mean technically i became one when i turnd 18, but i feel like it isn't real until i hit my 20s. annnnyyyywwaaaays, i feel intrigued to write something that is inspired by a video i saw awhile ago. Alyx, or AyyDubbs on youtube made a video about "19 things i learned at 19" or something along the lines of that. 

i thought i would take the time to reflect on my years of living, since i'm obviously so much more wise and mature now. (hueh) obviously, it should be 18 things i learned at 18, since i've only been 19 for 10 days, but i wanted to add an extra "life lesson" because i felt like it, and because i didn't want an even number.

obviously, i have many more years to come, many more mistakes to make, and even more opportunities to learn from them. in fact, 5 years from now, what i learn in the future could be totally opposite of what i think i know now (does that even make sense??) anyways, here's what i've compiled for this post today. maybe you agree with them? or maybe you think differently? if you want, go ahead and tell me some important things that you have learned, i would love to know!!!! share your thoughts!!! 

*~ now commencing, 18 THINGS I LEARNED AT 18+ 1 EXTRA ~*

*~~~ she is a dancing queen, young and free, only NINETEEEEENNNN ~~~*